Not seeing your favorite music band for years can be difficult, especially for people who have found purpose in their music. For Paramore fans, seeing their favorite band make a comeback must feel so good. With Paramore back, this means fans can now hear more of Hayley Williams. But, why did the band go quiet? One reason that we are sure of is Hayley Williams parents who somehow made Hayley unhappy because of their differences. It must have been hard for Hayley knowing that her loving parents were having it hard being together.

As for Paramore, going quiet was because each member of the band wanted time for their family and friends after their non-stop tours around the world. Rest, they say is a needed ingredient in driving toward your goal. Growing up wasn’t the best for Hayley. Nobody loves having their parents separated. It just brings this zero cohesiveness in their upbringing and if not managed properly, we are likely to see a dysfunctional child.
Who Are Hayley Williams Parents?
Joey and Cristi Williams gave birth to Hayley Williams on December 27, 1988. While the couple had it all love at the beginning of their relationship, they grew apart and just didn’t remain the same anymore. Unfortunately, the couple didn’t consider the development of their child and Hayley confirmed that she grew up watching her parents fight. Of course, this would affect what a family should look like. At just the tender age of four, Hayley Williams parents separated. This affected the way Hayley saw family.
Imagine having your parents divorce at the age of four and you would have to be shuffled here and about, we do not think that was ideal for Hayley. There is no doubt that several marriages are failing, but it doesn’t take away the fact that they leave the children involved in long-lasting trauma. This is the case for Hayley Williams. “I thought ‘what a clichéd thing to be affected by — that can’t be my scar or emotional wound’ because everyone’s parents are divorced. I was so desensitized to it, I felt silly being affected by it. And the truth is that it was the most pivotal moment in my entire life,” she said in an interview with i-D.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, Cristi, Hayley’s mother, had to remarry in 2002 and according to Hayley, this new man was even worse than what she witnessed with her biological father. Well, the same also went for Joey, her father whose second marriage was always largely unhappy. Thankfully, while Hayley Williams parents had issues with their lives, her grandmother was the one who helped her understand the whole divorce and she was instrumental in helping her build the mental strength to forge ahead.
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With different marriages from her parents, Hayley had to accept children from her parents’ other marriages as her half-siblings. For years, Hayley never actually tried to get closer to her family, till recently when she had to spend the festive period with her family, she told L’ODET.
Where Are Hayley Williams Parents Now?
Both Cristi and Joey are separated and have gone on to marry other people. They have also had children in their different marriages. Though they didn’t get to be happy after their divorce and moving into other relationships, they still kept in touch. Somehow, the couple found a way to settle their differences after their third marriage. Third time lucky, huh? No, they didn’t marry again, they just decided to put the past behind them and become better friends.
Hayley’s Parents’ Marriage Affected Hers
The trauma one experiences from bad events in our childhood have a way to dictate how one sees the world. In Hayley’s case, she held on to a relationship with Chad Gilbert even though it was not good for her. She married Gilbert even when she didn’t think she was ready to be with him. One can see the desperation in making sure her marriage worked in light of what happened with her parents.

Hayley Williams’ parents played a huge role in Hayley. The traumatic experience she faced when their marriage didn’t work affected her decision in picking a partner. Her marriage didn’t work out and you could tell from the content of her lyrics on Paramore’s fifth album. This goes to show that parental relationships can have drastic effects on how children behave later in life. Trauma can be so intense that it affects how we see the world. This is the story of Hayley Williams parents divorce of their daughter.