Guess who is solidly behind Brian Flores as he takes some massive legal steps against the NFL? You guessed right: Brian Flores wife. Time in and time out, she has shown her unquavering support to her husband’s career, so it shouldn’t come as a shock that she endorses his action against the NFL. Brian Flores dragged the NFL’s dirty linen to the public after his dismissal from The Miami Dolphins despite his victory in his last match.

He claimed that Stephen Ross offered him money to lose so that Miami Dolphins would have a higher pick In the NFL Draft. Brian Flores went on to call out the racially motivated culture of the NFL after he experienced firsthand racism. He found out from new England head coach Bill Belichick that his already booked interview slot with the New York Giants was miraculously reassigned to someone else three days before the interview. To this end, he filed a class-action lawsuit against the NFL and all franchises in the league, stating racial discrimination over the “Rooney Rule.” And on the other hand, The NFL still maintains that his claims are false and are ready to go toe to toe with him in court.
With the case brewing hot, curiosity levels of fans are on the rise to know who the supportive Brian Flores wife is. So, kindly read this article to the end as it is set to unpack eight exciting facts we bet you don’t know about Brian Flores wife.
1. Who Is Brian Flores Wife?
Brian Flores wife is the gorgeous, gorgeous Jennifer Maria Duncan. She leads a very private life away from the media. However, she is famous because of her husband’s successful career.

2. Brian Flores Met His Wife During Spring Break, And They Got Married In 2009
Brian Flores and his wife are college lovers. However, they didn’t attend the same college at the time. So their first meeting was unprecedented during a college spring break. Coincidentally and luckily for Brian Flores, They were both on vacation in Acapulco during the spring break. So he was amazed by her beauty when he saw his wife standing on a balcony. In an interview with Yahoo Sports, he recalled the event where he frantically told his friend, Mike Miller, “That’s the girl I’m going to marry.” True to his word, Brian Flores married his wife in the summer of 2009, and the rest has been history since then.
3. Brian Flores And His Wife Have 3 Children Together
Their 13 years old marriage has produced three happy children. Precisely two boys and a girl. Their names are Miles, Maxwell, and Lilian.

4. Brian Flores Wife Once Fell Into Labor At Gillette Stadium
One of the beautiful things about childbirth is labor. Though painful at first, it mostly ends joyfully once mother and child are confirmed safe. Hence mothers/ women should be accorded due respect at all times, and Brian Flores wife is certainly not an exception. She fell into her daughter’s labor in January 2017 during the patriot’s Playoff game against Huston Texans. Despite being in such excruciating pain, she mustered courage and strength to leave the stadium once her water broke.
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5. Brian Flores Wife Was A Spanish Teacher
While her husband is a celebrated footballer, Jennifer Duncan is an exceptional Spanish teacher. She used to work at Foxborough Regional Charter School, Attleboro, Massachusetts. She taught High school and middle school Spanish. Perhaps she stopped teaching at Foxborough between 2010-2011 because her name was on a list of the course catalog for the school’s 2009-2010 academic session. She got a new job, but o one knew the place’s name until her retirement in late 2018. However, nobody knows what she does these days since she is no longer teaching.
6. Brian Flores Wife is not Active On Social Media
True to her introverted nature, Brain Flores wife likes to stay away from the media. She doesn’t disclose her personal life or deal on social media. However, she has a Facebook account with very few engagements safe for the pictures of her and her family posted there.

7. Jennifer Duncan Is an Avid Volunteer
Brian Flores wife is very caring and hospitable. In addition, she is an avid volunteer that takes part in charitable activities. One of such activities was a campaign organized by the Maima Dolphins’ coaches wife association. The Dolphins Challenge Cancer campaign was a strategic move against cancer to raise money for the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami.
8. Duncan Is Her Husbands Strongest Support System
Brain Flores wife has constantly shown immeasurable support to her husband and his coaching career. She never misses any of his matches. She always supports his course just like a good wife should. Since they got married, there hasn’t been any news of divorce or separation about the duo. It has been all love from their end. Hence, her endorsement of Brian Flores legal action against the NFL doesn’t come off as a surprise. Moreover, he claims to be doing it for his family and generations yet unborn.
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Brian Flores wife is an epitome of beauty and an embodiment of strength. She has continued to show support for her husband’s career. Even now when he is fighting the big dogs (NFL ). She is solidly behind him in the fight against corruption and systemic racism.