Is the Devil in Ohio true story, or is it just a figment of the imagination? In the first week of the Devil in Ohio series on Netflix, it became the most watched series. The movie revolves around a hospital psychiatrist Dr. Suzanne Mathis, played by Emily Deschanel, who took in a girl who got to the hospital with an injury on her back. Madeleine Arthur played the girl who goes by the name Mae; unknown to Suzanne, Mae was coming from a place haunted by demons. According to the series, Mae had escaped from some Satanic cult that had plagued her home. After Mae arrived at Suzanne’s house, a series of strange happenings started. Unfortunately, the Mathis family found themselves in the whole web.

Is Devil In Ohio True Story?
Devil in Ohio was based on Daria Polatin’s novel, and interestingly, it was based on actual life events. The eight-episode series was written around past events in Ohio. The author of the book, Polatin, also the show producer, explained that the series was based on actual life events. Although Polatin did not reveal the details about people involved in the real-life events, the crux of the series was woven around actual life events. “It’sTrue events inspire it, but it’s not a documentary. That’s just a different kind of storytelling,” she said.
To make the series look as accurate as possible, the creative writers explored cults and inculcated that into the series. The fictional cult from the research was Morningstar, and they had their own cult Bible called the Book of Covenants.
Fans will always want to know why the series looked like a story that happened in real life. This is why questions like Is Devil in Ohio a true story will surface.
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In a blog post titled My Top 5 Scariest Moments Researching Devil in Ohio, Polatin writes about her research process. Also, she found out details that were transferred to the show. She said: “I will never reveal details about my source, but suffice it to say, it was quite horrifying to hear how a young woman escaped from the satanic cult she’d grown up in. Since many of the perturbing aspects of the story in Devil in Ohio were based on true events, my stomach churned whenever I heard about the scarring rituals, planting of mind-control triggers, and perhaps the most disturbing, how it tore a formerly tight-knit family apart.”

Devil in Ohio Had Other Inspiration From Documentaries
Aside from her research, she also was able to research other real-life documentaries, including Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene, a documentary by Elizabeth Olsen. There were books like Remembering Satan: A Tragic Case of Recovered Memory by Lawrence Wright and Gillian Flynn’s award-winning crime novel Gone Girl. All of these were instruments of research she was able to use to flesh up the Devil in Ohio series.
The question Devil in Ohio is a true story has been answered in this article. There are elements of truth to the series while also fictional elements were in play.