Could it be that Jeffery Dahmer wife died because of his sexual fetish? While this isn’t explicitly stated that Jeffery had a wife, we can’t say if this is true or not. It is just one of the many thoughts that can be explored to understand his character and abominable acts. Even though being queer in the early 1970s and 1980s was questionable and publicly frowned upon, Jeffery had no justifiable reason to act out the way he did. In his twisted mind, he saw his partners/victims as objects meant to be used and not treated with respect like human beings.

This explains why he lures them to his house, murders them, proceeds to have sex with them, and dismember their bodies afterward. Thanks to one of his fortunate victims, Tracy Edwards, who managed to escape and alert the police. Perhaps he was married, and fans are eager to know whether or not Jeffery Dahmer’s wife was a party was a party to his shenanigans.
Who Is Jeffery Dahmer Wife?
Contrary to all suspicions that Jeffery Dahmer has a wife or was at least romantically involved with a woman to cover his tracks, Jeffery didn’t have a wife. There are no records of his marriage to any woman
Did Jeffery Dahmer Have A Girlfriend?
Dahmer never had a girlfriend. No time on record shows that he was in a romantic relationship with any woman. Jeffery had also been gay. However, he had several relationships with classmates but never had intercourse with them.

Jeffery Dahmer Was Never Romantically Interested In Women
Apart from his horrendous crimes, Jeffery’s sexuality was explicitly constant. He never fancied women or sought to be involved with them romantically. Instead, his job at the Milwaukee Ambrosia Chocolate Factory exposed him to other queer men who made advances at him but still declined. However, he experienced his first sexual encounters at gay bars but was frustrated by how his partners treated him. Perhaps, this prompted him to drug men and have sex with their unconscious bodies.
Statistics show that his victims were young men(mostly colored men) he seduced at gay bars. He would drug them before strangling them, having sex with their corpses, and viciously proceeding to dismember them. And In September 1986, he was arrested for masturbating while watching two twelve-year-old boys. He has been sentenced to a year of mental health counseling and probation.

Jeffery Dahmer Hid His sexuality From His Parents
According to Carl Wahlstrom, a forensic psychiatrist who evaluated Jeffrey Dahmer, Jeffery had an unusually high libido for a young adolescent. His fantasies were weirdly wild- about killing men and having intercourse with their bodies. At somepoint, he almost acted on his murderous instincts.
He lusted over a male jogger and, one day, waited in ambush for the jogger on his route. Fortunately for the jogger, he didn’t run that day, so he was probably saved from Joffery’s clutches. While these fantasies grew old with Jeffery as a teen boy, he also made sure to hide the truth of his sexuality from his parents.
Where is Jeffery Dahmer’s younger brother, David Dahmer? Find out his whereabouts here
Well turns out that the speculation that Jeffery Dahmer wife probably died like the rest of his victims can be laid to rest now. Jeffery was never married or romantically involved with any woman.