The Shasta Groene story is disheartening. She was abducted alongside her brother Dylan, for almost seven weeks by Joseph Edward Duncan III. He broke into the Groene family house at night where he killed Shasta’s mother, her boyfriend, and her 13-year-old brother.

Then he held Shasta and Dylan hostage and abused them continuously until he eventually killed Dylan. It was then the workers at a restaurant in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho intervened and saved Shasta from the same fate as her family. Despite the horrific torture and sexual assault Shasta was subjected to, she still managed to keep calm and assisted the authorities with much-needed pieces of evidence they needed to apprehend John Edward. Kindly read this article to the end to know the entire Shasta Groene story.
Shasta Grone’s Abductor, Joseph Edward Was Bipolar
The man behind Shasta Grone’s story, Joseph Edward Duncan also known as Jet was bipolar. According to Shasta, sometimes, he would be Groene said that Jet often cycled through emotions: he could be extremely mean and in a split second, he would be kind again. For instance, he threatened to kill Shasta and Dylan with the hammer he used to kill their mom, and in the same breath, he became remorseful and expressed regrets for killing their parents.
There was another instance where Jet tied Dylan and Shasta on the floor of his Jeep and drove to Montana. He made rules, and he insisted that call him ‘Daddy’ then he went ahead to warn them that if they tried to run away he would shoot them. Jet often talked about religion and sometimes he blamed God for his sinful ways. He told Shasta that he thought it was God’s voice asking him to kidnap and kill her and Dylan, not knowing it was his sickness that made him do it.
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Shasta Groene Story: Jet Held Shasta And Dylan Hostage At A Remote Campsite Where Killed Dylan
After killing their parents, Jet took Shasta and Dylan to a remote campsite where he kept them hostage. He was generally mean to the siblings but was exceptionally wicked to Dylan in particular. Jet once tied Dylan to a log and beat him with a stick until it broke. He also called Dylan a coward and taunted him for fearing the dark.
Contrary to his promise to return Shasta and Dylan alive, Duncan killed Dylan. At the moment she was unlooking, he shot Dylan in the stomach and claimed it was an accident that happened when he searched for bears in the trashcan. It wasn’t long before Shasta saw that Duncan actually intended to kill Dylan as he reloaded the gun, ignored all please, and placed the trigger on Dylan’s head where he shot him. Afterward, he lit a fire, burned Dylan’s body and other blood-stained items, and dumped the ashes into a pipe draining into the river.

Jet Didn’t Pass Major Roads Because He Was Scared Of Getting Caught
After killing Dylan, Jet became wary of getting caught, so he passed through back roads to go to Coeur d’Alene. Jet promised to drop Shasta off at the police station after they watched Star Wars together. Interestingly he wanted to see the film before going to prison.
Even though Jet exhibited some false emotions for Shasta, he still might have killed her if he wasn’t called. According to Shasta, he threatened to kill her, approximately 50 times. He also tried to strangle her a few days before she was rescued. Thankfully, the employees at a restaurant in Coeur d’Alene intervened, they called the police and blocked Jet from escaping.
Duncan Died In Prison In March 2021
Shasta was very brave and bold to testify against Jet in court. She also gave the authorities lead on areas to find essential evidence against him. She even followed authorities to the campsite where Jet held her and Dylan. Thankfully, the law had its cause. Jet was sentenced to multiple life and death imprisonment at United States Penitentiary. He was diagnosed with stage IV brain cancer and underwent surgery but refused treatment. Eventually, Joseph Duncan passed away in late March 2021.
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Duncan’s Death Doesn’t Ease The Severity Of Shasta Groene Story
Even with his arrest and demise, Shasta Groene story is still saddening. According to Shasta, Duncan’s death doesn’t ease the pain she feels from losing her loved ones but did lift a weight in her soul. She said:
“One thing is for sure, he does not exist anymore. Now, we can live our lives knowing that. For so long I have been struggling with hate towards that man. Today, I woke up feeling like my soul was finally free. I hope other people affected by Joseph Duncan were able to wake up feeling the same way.”

Where Is Shasta Groene Now?
According to Idaho Press Groene served one year in juvenile detention in 2014 for a drug-related crime. In October 2017, she was accused of leaving meth near a 1-year-old child. four months later she was charged with the same offense. According to her, the pressures of fame pushed them into dealing drugs. But today, she is well. She works as a supervising housekeeper and is happily married. She currently lives with her husband Michael, and four sons aged under seven. They are expecting another child in August 2022.
Thankfully, justice was served and Shasta lives a normal life today. May the soul of the deceased continue to rest in peace too.