One of the most well-known media franchises ever created is Pokemon. There is no disputing that individuals still like watching a few episodes every now and again just for some refreshment, even though it isn’t intended for an adult audience.
One of the many aspects of this anime that people like is the plot, the element of adventure, and the curiosity of the Pokemon. One other aspect, though, helps the series stand out even more.
And its personalities are all there are. Particularly, it’s women who play these roles. The Top 20 sexiest Pokémon animations were thus curated in order to further illuminate these sexiest Pokémon animations.
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Who is the Sexiest Pokémon?
The fact that certain Pokémon are hotter than others is well-known.
Pokemon have always been a favorite among kids, but adults have also enjoyed them. This is probably due to the characters’ versatility and wide range of personalities.
There is no better Pokemon than Pikachu when it comes to sex! Because of his adorable visage, engaging demeanor, and mischievous behaviors, the electric mouse Pokémon is one of the most popular characters in the Pokédex, and for good reason.
With good reason, Pikachu is the prettiest and most well-known Pokémon. His infectious enthusiasm and endearing face are sure to catch people’s attention.
Some people think that some of the other most well-known Pokemon are sexy. These consist of Vaporeon, Flareon, and Jolteon.
Another favorite is Eevee, not just for its appearance but also because it is one of the few Pokémon that has the ability to evolve into different types. Eevee may serve as either a dependable companion or a multifaceted partner.
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Top 20 Sexiest Pokémon – Animation in 2023
There is bound to be something for everyone, from the seductive charms of Alolan Ninetales to the scorching good looks of Incineroar. So let’s get started without further ado.
- 1. Pikachu
- 2. Gardevoir
- 3. Incineroar
- 4. Tyrantrum
- 5. Gyarados
- 6. Alolan Ninetales
- 7. Milotic
- 8. Dragalge
- 9. Pyroar
- 10. Sylveon
- 11. Serena
- 12. Iris
- 13. Officer Jenny
- 14. Dawn
- 15. Nurse Joy
- 16. May
- 17. Bea
- 18. Jessie
- 19. Cynthia
- 20. Whitney
1. Pikachu

Pikachu takes the top spot in the rankings! This Pokémon of the Electric type is renowned for having a lovely and cuddly appearance. Pikachu is a favorite among fans and is known to be highly amiable.
Pikachu is a Pokémon that many people are unaware of, and it is actually incredibly powerful. Pikachu has the ability to store electricity in its cheeks, which it may then unleash in a terrifying shock. Due of this, Pikachu is a strong foe in conflict.
One of the Pokémon with the most move combinations is Pikachu, which is also one of the most adaptable. This demonstrates that Pikachu is capable of competing with numerous Pokémon species.
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2. Gardevoir

The evolution of Kirlia is the Psychic/Fairy-type Pokémon Gardevoir. This Pokémon is renowned for its delicate personality and beautiful appearance. Gardevoir is a well-liked option among fans and is known to be highly devoted.
One of the most attractive Pokémon, according to many, is Gardevoir. It is a well-liked option among followers due to its graceful appearance and kind personality.
Gardevoir is renowned for being devoted to its Trainer, yet it is also believed to be quite protective of them. In spite of the risk to itself, Gardevoir will always strive to help its trainers because it has the ability to sense their emotions.
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3. Incineroar

The evolution of Litten is the Fire/Dark-type Pokémon Incineroar. This Pokémon is renowned for its fiery nature and smoldering gorgeous looks. Trainers frequently use Incineroar since it is reputed to be extremely powerful.
Incineroar, however, is more than just a strong Pokémon. This Pokémon is known to have a golden heart and to be fiercely loyal to its Trainer. Incineroar is reputed to be extremely devoted and will make every effort to prevail.
This makes Incineroar an excellent ally for any Trainer. So Incineroar is the ideal Pokémon for you if you’re seeking for one that’s tough, devoted, and protective.
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4. Tyrantrum

Tyrunt evolved into Tyrantrum, a Pokémon of the Rock/Dragon type. This enormous Pokémon is renowned for its formidable jaws and enormous teeth.
Tyrantrum is a well-liked option among fans and is reported to be quite aggressive.
Tyrantrum is renowned for both its enormous size and aggressive attitude.
This Pokémon is reported to be the size of a house and have fangs that are the size of people.
Tyrantrum is rumored to have a voice that reverberates for miles and is extremely loud.
5. Gyarados

Gyarados, a Pokémon of the Water/Flying type, is the development of Magikarp. This strong Pokémon is renowned for its enormous size and commanding appearance. Gyarados is reputed to be very destructive and a formidable opponent.
Gyarados is a compassionate Pokémon despite its intimidating reputation. It will go to great lengths to defend its Trainer and is fiercely loyal to them. One of the main reasons Gyarados is such a well-liked beginning Pokémon is because of its loyalty.
Gyarados is a powerful and deadly Pokémon, but it’s also crucial to keep in mind that it is a kind and devoted companion.
6. Alolan Ninetales

The evolution of Vulpix is the Fire/Ice-type Pokémon known as Alolan Ninetales. This Pokémon is renowned for its icy blue eyes and sleek, sophisticated demeanor. Alolan Ninetales is a well-liked option among fans because it is supposed to be exceedingly graceful and majestic.
Alolan Ninetales is renowned for its special ability, Snow Warning, in addition to its beauty. When the Pokémon enters combat, this ability generates a hailstorm that lasts for five turns.
This hailstorm heals any Ice-type Pokémon on the team while simultaneously harming the opponent’s Pokémon. Alolan Ninetales is a valuable addition to any Ice-type squad as a result of this.
The high Special Attack stat of Alolan Ninetales makes it a potent attacker in the game.
7. Milotic

The evolution of the Pokémon Feebas is the Water-type Milotic. This stunning Pokémon is renowned for its majestic tail and long, flowing fins. Milotic is a well-liked option among Pokémon Trainers and is known to be exceptionally graceful.
Milotic’s elegant swimming makes it a popular candidate for aquatic competitions.
Although mitotic is more frequently found in water, it can briefly survive on land.
Milotic is a well-liked Pokémon Trainer picks for both land and aquatic events because of its reputed exceptional grace. Milotic is a versatile choice for any Trainer because it can live on land for brief periods of time even though it is most frequently seen in the water.
8. Dragalge

Skrelp evolved into Dragalge, a Pokémon of the Poison/Dragon type. This ferocious Pokémon is renowned for its poisonous barbs, which may inject its foes with a potent poison.
In addition to being extremely bright, Dragalge is reputed to be a formidable foe in combat. What makes Dragalge a Pokémon to be feared?
The poisonous barbs on Dragalge are what make it such a hazardous Pokémon. These barbs have the ability to inject their foes with a potent poison that can result in significant injury or even death.
In addition to being extremely bright, Dragalge is reputed to be a formidable foe in combat. Its intelligence enables it to outwit adversaries and make tactical choices that could result in triumph.
9. Pyroar

The evolution of Litleo, Pyroar is a Pokémon of the Fire/Normal type. This regal Pokémon is renowned for having a fiery mane that some claim is hotter than the sun. Pyroar is among the most well-known Pokémon because it is also exceedingly brave and noble.
Although Pyroar’s fiery mane may be its most distinctive feature, there is much more to this Pokémon than meets the eye.
For starters, Pyroar is a very smart Pokémon and is regarded as one of the best in terms of strategy and battle tactics.
In spite of its size, Pyroar is quite quick as well. Pyroar can quickly outmaneuver its enemies as a result, making it a fearsome foe in combat.
10. Sylveon

Sylveon must be on this list; else, it is incomplete. This Fairy-type Pokémon, which is an evolution of Eevee, is known for its kind and compassionate disposition.
In addition to being exceedingly attractive, Sylveon is renowned for having large, blue eyes and long, cascading hair. It’s no surprise that this Pokémon is so popular with players!
Without a doubt, Sylveon is among the most well-known Pokémon, and for good reason. It’s not just wonderfully adorable; it’s also incredibly powerful.
With its ribbon-like feelers and the ability to fire potent energy beams from its eyes, Sylveon has the capability to knock opponents out cold. Its soft fur is also demanding to be stroked!
11. Serena

This location is as suitable as they get for Serena. She is one of the franchise’s top girls, if not the greatest. Serena truly had a romantic relationship with Ash to a certain extent, unlike most of the other girls on the show.
Although it wasn’t spectacular, it had its moments. And unlike any other character in the series, they really made her stand out. You may look for a ton of additional personalities right now.
Serena is the only character like her in the entire series, though. Her modest demeanor won her a lot of admiration from Pokemon fans.
12. Iris

The main female character and Ash’s friend in the Black and White series is Iris. She has a slightly different plan than the other girls. She doesn’t have a close friendship with Ash as other girls have.
It resembles a notorious brother-and-sister relationship more. They don’t appear to be communicating very much. Things do get interesting between them because they spend the most time together.
However, Iris is ultimately the only Ash’s female companion who developed into a very amazing trainer at the end of her story arc. She merits this position on our list because of this, in our opinion.
13. Officer Jenny

One of the series’ recurring characters is Officer Jenny. And this runs counter to the notion that each episode features a different cast of characters. It will always be Officer Jenny in the first season of the Pokemon television series, regardless of whatever episode you watch.
And that creates a deeper level of attachment and nostalgia for the character and its upbringing. This explains why she is so well-liked in the neighborhood. Even after years of wearing the same appearance, there’s a reason why everyone admires and appreciates this woman.
And that standing is entirely the result of maintaining a consistent self-presentation during the early seasons.
14. Dawn

One of the most charming girls in the entire series is Dawn. Throughout her time in the series, she and Ash have cultivated sweet and cordial relationships. And that’s only one aspect of her personality.
The original Diamond and Pearl storyline is significant to many people because it was one of the first seasons they watched Pokemon.
Because she has established the standard that the other characters must meet for this group of fans, Dawn has become a staple character for them.
15. Nurse Joy

Another recurring character who provided seasons of entertainment for the public is Nurse Joy. She is more modest than Officer Jenny, nevertheless, in terms of personality. The doctor tasked with caring for Pokemon who come to her hospital is named Nurse Joy.
It’s also undeniable that all of these nurses had a significant impression on the audience, despite the fact that they all resemble Nurse Joy in every way.
And because of this impact, most viewers will answer “Nurse Joy” without hesitation when asked who the real Pokemon doctor is.
16. May

Before Dawn took over, May was the leader of the Pokemon fandom. She was Misty’s first companion, making her one of the series’ most enduring characters.
And as a result, she can get greater respect and admiration from her audience. Despite the severe competition she had to contend with, the heroine was able to establish a reputation for herself.
And that only scratches the surface of what was inevitable. May became more and more prominent in the viewers’ imaginations as time went on. And not long after that, we discovered a character who is unlike any other in her series.
Let’s simply say that under this tree, a lovely trainer grew.
17. Bea

Despite not being a part of any significant organizations, she attracted a lot of attention. And that further demonstrates what a remarkable character she is. Bea is one of the series’ supporting characters and one of the trainers at the gym.
She is commended more notably for her skill with Pokemon of the combat variety. Bea is the gal for you if you want to engage in combat with some of the most vicious Pokemon in the area.
She is an excellent persona for the players overall and gives them a lot more worth and acclaim from people all over the world.
18. Jessie

There is absolutely no one who can take the place of Team Rocket’s Jessie as a mainstay character. She was the one who consistently kept the crowds amused with her silly but humorous antics.
Whether it was her stupidity or hostility, the audience found every piece of information she presented to be fascinating. She succeeded in making an enduring impression on the audience because of this.
People respect the entire team Rocket, despite the fact that she is always tossed out of the screen at the conclusion of each episode. And because of this, every time Jessie makes a comeback, the fans go wild.
19. Cynthia

This woman will meet you head-on. She also won’t even blink for a split second. One of the most memorable characters in the entire series is Cynthia. And the reason for that is her place in the series.
She is regarded as the world’s most capable trainer of Pokemon. Additionally, she can easily defeat any foe with the aid of her Garchomp. She is the region’s champion.
And numerous theories contend that she is the strongest character in the entire series. Imagine yourself in that position. even after years of Pokemon being aired on television, becoming the best trainer.
20. Whitney

She is notorious among anime fans for her Miltank. Furthermore, dealing with Miltank was nothing short of a nightmare.
She was one of the player’s first opponents, thus it was difficult for anyone to look at her and predict that she would be a tough foe. Sadly, everyone was mistaken.
One of the most difficult tasks in all of Pokemon history is still defeating Whitney and her Miltank. And as a result, she attracted a lot of interest from the show’s audience.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which Pokémon female fan was Ash?
Serena’s crush for him is made very evident throughout XY and XYZ, and other characters, such as Serena’s romantic rival Miette, have even mentioned it.
Which Pokémon character has the best looks?
Who is the trainer for Pokémon?
Who among female Pokémon trainers is the sexiest?
Who is Ash’s crush?
There’s no disputing that some of the most popular picks for the hottest and sexiest Pokemon are undoubtedly not what one might anticipate.
These 20 characters, from Eevee to Crobat, have all earned their places on our list due to their seductive looks and impressive motions.