Anne Heche and Harrison Ford relationship is one that many pray for. Though now, late after her unfortunate car accident on August 5, we cannot recall her confession of how much of a “hero” Harrison Ford was to her. Anne Heche and Ellen DeGeneres were an item back in the 1990s. They were the standout gay couple in a time when gay acceptability was at its lowest. As a result, the big film studios and movie directors would instead not cast people who had come out as gay as that would have a grace effect on the movie. It was almost like a taboo.

Anne Heche is an Emmy award winner starring in films like Another World, Six Days, and Seven Nights. We examined facts about Anne Heche and Harrison Ford relationship, mirroring them against her career and how it affected it.
#1. Anne Heche Was in a Relationship With Ellen DeGeneres
Anne Heche stumbled across Ellen DeGeneres at a festival and was immediately drawn to her. They met and spoke, and Anne knew she wanted to be more than friends with the TV host. They dated for three-and-a-half years, sparking debates about their sexuality. Anne’s relationship with Ellen began her downfall in the movie industry. She wanted to show off her relationship with Ellen while damning the consequences of her actions. In a time when there was little or no acceptance of gay relationships, it was a wrong move.
#2. Anne Heche’ Relationship With DeGeneres Made Her Lose Deals
There was an unhealthy stigma attached to couples who came out as gay. For Heche, after her coming out, she was fired from her multi-million dollar picture deal. As a result, she couldn’t work in a studio for about a decade. This affected her psychologically, but she didn’t quit even when it was frustrating to get a role. Regardless of her talent, she was unfortunate to be in a time when the gay relationship was generally frowned at.

#3. Anne Heche Brought Ellen As A Date to Her Film Premiere
Despite warnings from the film’s directors and publicists, Anne Heche defied the warnings and brought Ellen as a date to the premiere of Volcano. Well, it turned out that decision cost her career, as she mentioned in Entertainment Tonight. She struggled to get roles because of her coming out.
#4. Anne Heche and Harrison Ford Relationship
Anne Heche and Harrison Ford became co-stars in the hit rom-com movie, Six Days, Seven Nights. However, behind the scenes, there were threats from the filmmakers that Heche would lose the role if she did take Ellen to the film premiere. However, Harrison Ford, a Star Wars icon, who was to star alongside her, told her that she had nothing to worry about. In an interview, Heche revealed what he said, “He said, ‘Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn who you’re sleeping with. We’re gonna make the best romantic comedy there is, and I’ll see ya on the set. He’s one of my heroes. He fought a battle for me, and I would be on any desert island with him any day. He’s an extraordinary human being.” Thanks to Harrison, Anne did not lose her role but had to settle for reduced pay.
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#5. Anne’s Pay Was Drastically Reduced
Even though she didn’t lose the role, her salary from the film for four months was a meager $125 000 compared to the take-home of Harrison Ford. According to her, Ford paid $10 million for his role. While these numbers may not reflect the truth, it was apparent that there was a huge pay gap between the two actors.

#6. Where is Anne Heche Now?
Sadly, Anne Heche died after a fatal car accident on August 5, 2022. She was put on life support with the hope that she might recover. Unfortunately, she died at 53 on August 12, 2022, after her family decided she should be removed from life support. They did not expect her to regain consciousness anymore.