Teen rebellion is the most turbulent phase of parenting because it is you versus your teenager’s exuberance. It’s even worse when you have a teen like Brian Britton, who is a tough nut to crack and has a myriad of unhealthy obsessions. For example, at the age of thirteen, Brain Britton was grossly obsessed with war movies and anything that had an outrageous amount of bloodshed in it. At the time, his favorite movie was Rambo; he watched it a gazillion times. Following his obsession with war movies, his interest in the US Marine after high school graduation didn’t come off as a surprise. Brian’s family was pleased with his new interest and hoped that it would help him be responsible and build his character. Hence they gave him their full support. His obsession with the US Marine was no different from the one with war movies.

He stuffed his room up with marine items like camouflage, guns, magazines, grenades, and the likes. His father also encouraged him by teaching him how to shoot shotguns. After a while, contrary to the expected change in character, Brain Britton’s character grew worse till he put himself in hot water. Unfortunately, He ended up murdering his entire family and going to prison. Kindly read on to learn more about the incident with Brain Britton family and where he is now.
How Brain Britton Murdered His Entire Family
The night of March 22, 1989, was like every typical night for Brain Britton’s family until he did the unthinkable. He murdered his entire family consisting of his father, Dennis, his mother, Marlene, and younger brother, Jason, with a shotgun but fortunately, his older sister, Sherry Britton, survived. First, Brian killed his 44-year-old father in his master bedroom. Then, he shot him in the face with a shotgun.
Brian then proceeded to kill his mother and little brother, who were lying side by side. Next, he shot his mother, Marlene, in the chest and crushed his little brother, Jason, head with the gun. However, Jason didn’t die immediately but died eventually from complications caused by the injuries. Lastly, he pounced on his 19-year-old sister Sherry who had just returned from college that night. He shot Sherry twice in the head and the abdomen. Fortunately, she survived the incident and has been the only family member alive since then.
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Brain Britton Fled The House After The Incident
After the unfortunate incident, Brian was unremorseful, and he fled the house. He went to his uncle’s house for shelter. However, the police interrogated him, and Brian denied the allegation by telling the police that a masked intruder broke into their house and murdered his entire family. Deducing his body language, Brain’s story didn’t ring true. The detective in charge of the case, Detective Mittelstaedt, immediately fished out the truth that Brain killed his family when he didn’t show any remorse.
Why Did Brian Britton Murder His Entire Family?
According to the authorities, Brian carefully planned and executed the murder of his entire family. When he finally confessed to the crime, he said he did it because his parents were too controlling and abusive. Later, when Brian got a girlfriend, his parents made a rule that strictly stated that you could only go out with your partner on weekends after completing all tasks and school work. Brian didn’t find it pleasant, so he started skipping school to spend more time with her. When his parents found out, they scolded him, but Brian doesn’t take to corrections lightly. So he plotted to kill them. He shot each family member multiple times with a gun he hid in the artic. Eventually, the law caught up with him. While his sister Sherry spent months recovering in the hospital.

Where Is Brian Britton Now?
At the time of the incident, Brian Britton was just 16 years old; now, he is 44 years old. After the unfortunate incident, Brian was arrested and served in a 25-to-life sentence at Fishkill prison. During his trial in 1990, the judge was very devastated by the horrendous nature of the crime. She blamed the incident on Brian’s obsession with the movie Rambo and unexplainable love for war, bloodshed, and the military. In his defense, Brian pleaded guilty to the crime with claims of being physically and mentally abused. This is a 25years sentence with eligibility for parole instead of a lifetime sentence. Interestingly, Brain still didn’t show any emotions of remorse or regrets.
Brian Britton’s Sister Is Yet To Forgive Him
Brian’s sister, Sherry, who now goes by the name Shafer, is the only survivor from that night. Based on the forensics report, Brian shot Sherry twice in the head and abdomen. Afterward, she crawled to the bathroom to wash her hands which left trails of blood. Luckily, the medic came through before she passed on. She woke up in the hospital days later to get the unfortunate news, and she has been bitter towards Brian ever since then. Although he sent her a couple of apology letters, she is still upset. Sherry hopes he dies in prison. She goes as far as sabotaging his request for parole by writing negating letters to the parole panel. Sherry strongly believes that Brian doesn’t have a place in society. She thinks that if he were remorseful, he would have tried hard enough to reunite with her.

Brian Britton Was Denied Parole In 2017
Following his cooperation with the law by pleading guilty, Brian is serving just a single 25 to life sentence with parole instead of three simultaneous 25 to life sentences of his conviction. He was first eligible for parole in November 2017 but blatantly got denied. According to the law, the parole board would reconsider a convict for parole within two years after a denial. However, Since November 2017, he has frequented the panel every year. He is due to have another hearing this month of November 2021. After each hearing, it usually takes a total of two weeks for the panel to arrive at a decision on a convict. Afterward, they then proceed to make their resolve public.
Brian has felt marginalized by the Parole board after yet another denial in 2019. He expressed his concern stating that the board is hardened towards him because of his crime. Brian also went ahead to solicit with his record of rehabilitation and improvement in the prison. He claims to be a genuinely reformed person and deserves a second chance at life. He also urged the board to consider his age at the time of the crime, given that he was only sixteen years old. Unfortunately, the parole panel still didn’t deem it fit to release Brian into society just yet.
Interestingly, another reason why Brian Britton’s petition might have been perpetually denied is his sister, Sherry. Sherry revealed that she writes to the parole board biannually to dissuade them from approving his parole. She holds no space in her heart for Brian and is very vocal about her hatred for him.

On the night of March 22, 1989, Brian Britton action was a miserable and carnivorous one. What is more quizzical is how unremorseful he was. We hope he is getting rehabilitated indeed peradventure he is introduced into the society again.
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