Imagine what would happen if you lost the ability to use your hands or legs for just a day. A ton of difficulty, right? But DJ Hookie story is quite different. Regardless of his condition, he goes about his normal life activity and even manages to bring joy and hope to people with his music made with hooks. Interestingly, he doesn’t even use prosthetics.

DJ Hookie’s trademark is his ability to make melodious music with his hooks. Even with his disability, DJ Hookie is still a force to reckon with in the music industry. Tom Nash, famously known as DJ Hookie, is a quadruple amputee and an international DJ. DJ Hookie doesn’t have hands or legs, yet he makes cool music and goes about his daily life.
Irrespective of how motivational DJ Hookie story might seem, he doesn’t consider himself a motivational speaker. He is more focused on sharing positivity to people while employing them to be realistic. In addition to that, he fancies being an innovator rather than a motivator. However, he has really big dreams of contributing to the human race in his capacity to help people with disabilities. This article will explore the truths about the DJ Hookie story.
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DJ Hookie Story Began When He Was Diagnosed With Meningococcal Septicemia Infection At 19
Before he was 19, Tom Nash was a healthy and normal teenager except for the common flu, which he didn’t take seriously because, of course, it was flu, and people get flu all the time. Tom’s life changed forever when he passed out one evening and woke up in a pool of his blood. From then on, the trajectory of his life took an entirely different turn as he was diagnosed with Meningococcal septicemia infection. Meningococcal septicemia is an infection. Caused by a bacteria called Neisseria meningitides.
DJ Hookie Amputated His Arms And Legs To Stay Alive
For some persons, the Neisseria meningitides don’t result in any infections, but for an unfortunate few like Tom Nash, the case is the opposite as they develop severe infections. However, if it is dictated early ( which is often rare because the symptoms can be confusing), it can be treated with strong antibiotics.

In Tom’s case, his symptom was mistaken for flu, resulting in a late diagnosis. And fresh out of a two-week coma, the doctors presented him with the offer of amputating his arms and his legs because they had developed gangrene due to the illness. According to Tom, he didn’t like the idea of amputation or prosthetics, but when the doctor told him he risked death if he didn’t undergo the procedure, he gave in.
DJ Hookie Struggled To Accept His Life Post Amputation
His legs were first amputated before his arms, and Like most people who have undergone an amputation process, Tom struggled to come to terms with his new life and living conditions. He also revealed that losing his arms was even tougher than losing his legs as he couldn’t do a great deal of stuff by himself initially. He started learning how to use prosthetic arms. Even though they look more presentable and cost a ton of money, they weren’t palatable for him until he tried using hooks and got the kick. Then he decided to keep the hooks instead. And ever since then, he has lived his life and done his business easily.
DJ Hookie Story: Tom Followed His Musical Dreams By Re-Learning How To Play The Guitar
Moving on with life after amputation, Tom Nash had to learn to play the guitar again with the hook. This time, he replaced the guitar strings with much thicker ones. Even though he looked up to musical icons like Jimi Hendrix, Tom was convinced he would never be like him. Instead, he was solely passionate about just writing songs and making good music.

Tom Nash Dropped Out Of His science And Psychology Course To Become DJ Hookie
Shortly after he relaunched his musical career, Tom was thrown into stardom. Dj Hookie story began when he DJ-ed at a nightclub he opened alongside his friend. They didn’t have money to hire a professional DJ, so Tom stepped into the big shoes, and since then, it has stuck. In his words, “ It launched my entire career.”
At some point, he had to drop out of school, abandoning his science and psychology studies to focus on writing music. Tom believes music frees him up to be more creative and much more comfortable being alive.
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At a glance, people immediately conclude that he is living a miserable life, but the reverse is the case as he is doing just fine and living out his dreams. Hence Dj Hookie story is inspirational. Even though he is more of an introvert, he prefers chatting with people that have them ogle him or point in awkwardly in public.