The love CODA received from viewers resulted in magnificent success recent Oscars Academy Awards. Fans of the actors and viewers are curious to know is CODA a true story? In all honesty, CODA is a totally unique film. Very far from the cliche Hollywood movies andy tacky storylines. CODA detail fully tells the story of a young girl, Ruby Rossi, who is a CODA. CODA means the child of deaf adults.

By some miracle, Ruby happened to be the only hearing person in her family, which made her the official family interpreter. Up until her teenage years, Ruby enjoyed being the family’s interpreter. But everything changed when she enrolled in music class in her senior year. She is faced with the dilemma of leaving her deaf family and their fish business to pursue her musical dreams. Apart from the top-notch acting of the actors and the emotionally wrenching storyline,
CODA happens to be a very educative and realistic film. Running from the excellent use of American sign language ( ASL) to the revelation that the movie’s cast is all persons with hearing impairment. It has raised well-meaning and intrusive questions like, Is CODA a true story? So, kindly read this article until the end to determine if CODA is a true story.
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Is CODA A True Story: It Is A Remake Of An Original French Film
As authentic as the movie seemed, it turns out that CODA is not a true story of any sort. However, it is an adaptation of the French titled, Dramedy, The Belier Family. Just like CODA, the french film follows the same storyline of a teenage CODA who’s the only hearing child in her family. She is thrown into a dilemma of either staying or leaving her family farm when she discovers her singing talent.
However, Unlike CODA, which swept three consecutive awards at the just concluded Academy Awards. The original french film was hardly criticized because it cast hearing actors to play the role of the deaf actors. Meanwhile, CODA did accurate justice to the film in the remake by casting real-life actors with hearing disabilities.

CODA Sheds Light On The Real-Life Issue Of Gloucester Community
Though CODA is not a true story, the movie’s setting incorporates a large part of the reality of the Gloucester community where the plot is based. Still maintaining the storyline from the Orginal French film, Dramedy, The Belier Family. CODA mirrors the struggles of the Gloucester fishing community.
Like every other family in the Gloucester community, the Rossi family is faced with the dilemma of the new sabotaging fishing regulations. Their source of livelihood is threatened as Fishing legislation has made fishing more expensive, which resulted in low patronage.
This feat was easily achievable by having the cast and crew shadow Gloucester native trawlers named Angela and Rose. Moreso, a lot of research and learning the ASL made the cast horn their local fishing skills to create actual real-life fishing scenes. Hence one of the key indicators of CODA’s authenticity.

CODA Signifies A Breaking through For Actors With Hearing Disabilities In Hollywood
One outstanding feature of CODA is the authenticity inclusion of persons with hearing disabilities among the cast members. According to one of the casts, Marlee Matlin, she almost turned down the offer to feature in the film when she first found out that her onscreen husband would be a hearing actor. To her, it was more important not even to let the film be produced than to see it cast actors without hearing disabilities and expect them fake it like a costume.
But after a little back and forth, the producers of the film were able to cast real persons with hearing disabilities in the deaf Rossi family. The actors are Oscar-winner Troy Kotsur as Frank, Ruby’s father; Oscar-winner Marlee Matlin as Jackie, Ruby’s mother; new kid on the block, Daniel Durant as Ruby’s brother Leo.

CODA is very inclusive for persons and especially actors with hearing disabilities. Troy Kotsur, like Frank, who played Ruby’s father, is elated about the inclusion CODA gave to actors with a far different narrative of victimization that has been portrayed in for so long. CODA shows that deaf people can live normal lives and hold actual paying jobs in which they find fulfillment.
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Though CODA is not a real-life story, it incorporates the real-life experiences of the actors. For instance, the scene where Troy Kotsur, who plays Ruby’s father, places his hands on Ruby’s throat to hear her sing is his real-life experience with his biological daughter when she was in kindergarten. Moreso, because the cast’s emotions were real and the energy was 100%, it is almost impossible to decide if CODA is a true story.