Jocelyn Flores Death remains a mystery. All indicators say it was suicide but was it? When the late XXXTentacion released Jocelyn Flores, it became a hit, with not many knowing the underlining reason for the song. For so many people, Jocelyn Flores was only a song on the 17-track studio album of the American rapper XXXTentacion. But, there is a story to that song, and this article reveals the truth behind the song Jocelyn Flores. Who would have thought that a girl still in her early teens would have become a global subject for all the wrong reasons? Life unfurls the most random of happenstances, right?

The first time anyone listens to the song Jocelyn Flores, the lyrics jump at you. Look at this, for instance, “Picture this, in bed, get a phone call/ Girl that you f**ked with killed herself/ And ever since then, man, i hate myself/ Wanna f**king end it.” You know that there is pain behind these lyrics. This doesn’t look like one of those random lyrics that rappers conjure. Unfortunately, it is the story of a girl, troubled and suicidal all her life before finally giving in to her thoughts. Jocelyn Flores death is sad, and it begs to be read.
Who is Jocelyn Flores?
Jocelyn Flores was born on July 2000 in the Bronx, New York. She was born to Benji Flores, who was a skilled barber, according to her uncle Daniel Flores. Unfortunately, Benji died just four years after Jocelyn was born. Further unfortunate incidents saw Jocelyn Flores molested by a family member while she was still very young. All of these messed the poor girl up. From then, she started to have suicidal thoughts and had a flawed approach to life. Jocelyn couldn’t explain why she wanted to kill herself. She was 12 when she first attempted suicide. But, it wasn’t always like this. Her family said there were times when she was excited to be with them. But most often than not, she was always overwhelmed by a depressive desire.
What Led To Jocelyn Flores Death?
Jocelyn Flores death was a mystery. Although Flores was quite a rebellious child, her enormous size would make people mistake her for a 25-year-old when she was just 16. Her family realized that her case was exceptional and paid for the services of a therapist. All to no avail. She wanted to explore the world, wear makeup, party, and flirt with boys. Of course, her parents were against that because of her age. Her therapist suggested that they allow her to do some of these things to help her relax from the suicidal thoughts. XXXTentacion, the late rapper, would meet up with Flores after they started talking on Twitter. He offered for Flores to fly to Florida on the promise she modeled for his clothesline, Revenge.
Her parents permitted her, and she met up with the American rapper. To her dismay, the rapper brought in another lady named Zoe, who Flores presumed was a rival to her. They got into a fight, and emotions flared. Unable to hit or get involved in the altercation because he had just returned from jail, XXXTentacion asked them to leave his hotel suites. The rapper then offered to buy tickets home for Flores, which she blatantly turned down. A team member then escorted her to the Hampton Inn, where she was to lodge before she flew out. Unfortunately, it was the last place people would see her as the next day; she was found lifeless.
Jocelyn Flores Death Inspired the “Jocelyn Flores” Song
Jocelyn Flores death inspired XXXTentacion to release the song titled after her. However, some of her family members were unhappy that the rapper did not consult them before proceeding.

Jocelyn Flores death is one that again calls to the consciousness of the insane mental struggles of young people.