Before she began to keep a low profile, Kala Brown went through the hell of sexual abuse. Kala was kidnapped and tortured both sexually and physically for two months by Todd Kohlhepp. Todd is now a convicted murderer who was her then real estate broker who offered her jobs from time to time. However, things took a different turn in late August when Kala and her then-boyfriend Charles met fatal fates in the hands of Todd.

On that unfortunate day, Kala and Charles visited Todd at his rural property in South Carolina to do some work as usual. But within a split second of their arrival, Todd killed Charles and made Kala his sex slave in captivity for two months. In a bid to cover his tracks, Todd updated Charles’s Facebook feed with posts claiming that Charles and Kala had gotten married, bought a house, and expecting a child. But fortunately, this further raised the suspicion of the authorities, who stormed his apartment for a thorough search. Thanks to Kala Brown’s bravery, that prompted her rescue. During the search, she alerted the cops by consistently banging the steel shipping container where Todd kept her hostage in chains.
Since she was rescued and justice was served, Kala Brown has managed to stay away from the news. Notwithstanding, questions about her whereabouts and what she currently does pop up now and then.
Kindly read this article to the end to learn about Kala Brown’s new life after her court settlement.
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1. Todd Shot Charles Thrice In The Chest
Todd and Kala had a five years strong relationship before the catastrophe. The duo met via Kala’s ex-boyfriend, who was a mutual friend. During their friendship, Todd worked closely with Kala as her real estate broker. Not in million years would she have suspected him plotting any arm towards her let alone her boyfriend Charles. But for some reason, that fateful day, Todd flipped the switch and shot Charles in the chest three consecutive times immediately after they set foot on his property.
2. Why Did Todd Abduct Kala Brown?
To this day, the reason for Todd’s beastly behavior is not clear enough. After he killed Charles, Kala was mortified and couldn’t move or cry for help. So, he took advantage to hold her hostage for the next two months. Todd chained her to the sides of a metal shipping container. At noon, he would untie her and force her to perform sexual acts on him. She survived on one meal a day and was allowed one toilet break per day.

3. Kala Brown Developed Stockholm Syndrome
Kala told Dr. Phil that Todd hoped she would develop feelings for her captor and agree to live with him. Thankfully the authorities intervened and took her to safety. According to Dr. Phil, it is easier to control someone when you take away( kill) the person they love. Perhaps this explains the false sense of love Kala felt for Todd.
4. Todd Was Going To Kill Kala If She Wasn’t Rescued Earlier
During the heat of the search for Kala and Charles, Todd became the prime suspect when the authorities discovered that the duo was to work on Todd’s property on 31st August. They found Kala, Charles’s car, the grave he was buried in, and an assortment of guns and rifles on Todd’s property. They also found a pre-dug hole next to Charles’ grave, hinting at Todd’s intention to murder Kala sooner if they hadn’t found her.

5. Kala Brown Wasn’t Todd’s First Victim; he Had Killed Six Other People
Apparently, Killing Charles wasn’t Todd’s introduction to murder. He had killed other persons whose identities he withheld. However, he escaped the death penalty by accepting a plea deal, offering him seven consecutive life sentences.
6. Kala Brown Settled In South Carolina
After she regained her freedom, justice was served. A court awarded Kala $6.3 million in damages from Todd’s estate. Afterward, she relocated to Anderson, South Carolina, alongside her daughter and new partner.

7. Kala Brown’s Fiance, Adam Mayson, Committed Suicide
Shortly after she was rescued from Todd’s grip, Kala started piecing her life back together by dating again. She dated Adam Mayson. It was a loving relationship that saw their engagement. Unfortunately, they never got married because Adam died of a self-inflicted stab wound to the chest. Although doctors tried to save Mayson, it was to no avail. During treatment, he went into cardiac arrest and passed away on the spot
8. Kala Suffered Domestic Abuse From Her Ex-boyfriend, James Devon Moore, In July 2019
After her fiance’s untimely death, Kala was forced to start life afresh again. She started out dating James Devon Moore. Things were smooth until July 2019, when the duo got arrested for domestic violence. According to her attorney, David Wyatt, Kala had a hard time in the relationship. A spokesperson also hinted at the fact that she might have been off her medication during the time of the assault.
Kala Brown has suffered an incredibly horrible fate in her quest for love. Perhaps, her success in finding it or not motivated her decision to keep a low profile and simply live life as it comes.