Turia Pitt story is a testament to the fact that we are not defined by the hurt we have been through. Rather we are defined by the strength and tenacity to pick ourselves up and forge ahead. Turia Pitt is an Aussie burn victim with an inspiring story, a warm personality, and a witty sense of humor. She is a famous public/TEDX speaker, published author, and event host. Turia is famous for her doggedness and zeal to excel despite the harsh reality that life imposed on her. She is a 65% burn survivor who defeated near-impossible odds to become the successful woman she is today. Kindly read to the end to learn all about Turia Pitt story.

Turia Pitt Story: She Was A Mining Engineer Before The Burn
Over a decade ago before the unfortunate incident, Turia worked as a mining engineer in the Kimberleys. She was energetic and filled with numerous dreams and aspirations, one of which was to become a renowned CEO. Her world changed when she got trapped in a large bushfire during the ultramarathon 100 km competition. Suffering from 65% burns, she barely made it alive with the help of other competitors in the marathon. P
professional help was delayed but the running group constructed a shade for her and Kate Anderson, another burn victim. And as if on cue, the sun began to set which also eased the atmosphere a bit. Even the pilot, Paul Cripps, risked his life to fly all the way to the gorge to rescue them.
Pitt Sued The Organizers Of The Race
A 65% burn is so severe, to this day, the doctors believe that it is by a miracle that Pitt survived. They placed her in a coma for a month and amputated all the fingers on her right hand and two on her left. In total, She spent over six months at the hospital, underwent over 200 operations, and spent two years in recovery, wearing a full-body compression suit and mask to smooth out the scars on her face and body. When she was finally well, Pitt sued the race organizers RacingThePlanet and obtained an out-of-court settlement from them.

Turia Pitt Is Loved Unconditionally With A 65% Burn
According to Turia, one of the reasons she held on for dear life was the thought of her fiance, Michael Hoskin. The pair had been dating since their university days. According to a 20th December 2021 blog post on Turia’s site, Hoskin resolved to marry her if she survived. even after the doctors told Hoskin that Turia looked different – they’d shaved her head.
While Turia was in the ICU, Hoskin went on to buy an engagement ring featuring a diamond from the mine she worked in. He was also very caring and instrumental in her recovery journey. He showed up and went all out for her without complaining. Eventually, four years after the accident, Michael proposed during a trip to the Maldives.
Unfortunately, Taria lost the ring during a trip to the south of France. She was reluctant to tell Michael but he eventually figured it out. And in a bid to move on from the loss, she decided to relish the good times she spent with the diamond ring rather than sulk about it.
Turia And Michael Have Two Kids Together
A few years after they tied the knot, the couple was blessed with two lovely sons. Hakavai and Rahiti Hoskin. Hakavai was born in December 2017 and Rahiti Hoskin in February 2020. Turia has never doubted in her heart that Michael would be a great father. She is very pleased to be raising her boys with him by her side.
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Despite the horrors of the accident that she suffered, Turia Pitt is determined to rewrite her story by saying no to self-pity. Although she admitted to how sufferable living with the scars can be, she is determined not to let it weigh her down. Instead, she resolved to stay positive and courageously live one day at a time