Who are Nicki Minaj Parents? Every generation has that new talent that takes them by surprise from a dynamic corner with their unmatched peculiarity, for avid listeners of Rap in the late 2000s, and it was Nicki Minaj. She swoons her listeners with rhythmic lyrics, unique sound, aura, and charisma.
In 2009, After riding on the waves of multiple mixtapes for a while, she successfully got signed into the Young Money Entertainment label, after which she effortlessly blew all our minds away with her debut album, Pink Friday. And ever since then, her musical career has surged higher. Today she is one of the most influential female rap artists in the world.

Recently, apart from the news and the anticipation of her fifth album, fans are also curious to know who are. This is because of the news of her father’s death and mother’s lawsuit. So kindly read to get all the details about Nicki Minaj parents.
Who Are Nicki Minaj Parents?
The award-winning artist, whose birth name is Onika Tanya Maraj. She was born in Saint James, Port of Spain, Trinidad, and Tobago. Her father is Robert Maraj, While her Mother is Carol Maraj. Nicki Minaj parents are both Trinidadians of African heritage. Her father worked as a financial executive and was a part-time gospel singer alongside her mother.

Nicki Minaj’s Father Was An Addict And Abused Her Mother
Unfortunately, like most people with a story of abuse from a parent or guardian, Nicki Minaj has a story too. Her father was a drug addict despite being active in the church. He let his addiction take the best part of him; he stole from their house to keep up and molested her mother by beating her violently.
Nevertheless, her mother stayed in the marriage, hoping that he would change someday, but the abuse only grew worse. So, one night, after an argument with her mother, he set the family house on fire. The fire engulfed the building rapidly and almost killed her mother. Luckily, the casualty was minimal because Nicki Minaj and her brothers went for a sleepover with family friends. This was based on their mother’s instruction because she had perceived the violence earlier. Nicki narrated the ordeal to Wendy Williams, saying:
“He did burn the house down. It wasn’t an attempt, he did! My mother was in the house and she had to run out at the last time. She had a dream the night before that the house was going to be burned down so she had me and my brother sleep at a friend’s house.”
Nicki Minaj And Her Brothers Were Single-handedly Raised By Their Mother, Carol Maraj
When Nicki Minaj was just five years old after the fire, her mother relocated to the Bronx in New York City with the family. She stayed far away from Nicki Minaj’s father in other to have her peace of mind and train her kids right. In her book, Leaving My Pain, Nicki Minaj’s mother revealed that she feared for her kids’ wellbeing during her abusive relationship with Robert. She was also worried that her sons, Jelani and Micaiah, were getting the wrong idea of masculinity. She didn’t want them to think that violence towards women was standard practice. For this sole reason, she had to stay away from their father and raise them right.
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Nicki Minaj’s Mother Is The Founder Of The Carol Maraj Foundation
Thankfully, Nicki’s mother could leave the abusive marriage that almost cost her her life. In the same vein of faith, she got the vision to start The Carol Maraj Foundation. It is an NGO that provides much-needed emotional and financial support to victims of domestic violence. She doesn’t want women to helplessly suffer domestic abuse as she did. So, she pulled her weight to get the foundation up and running.
In an interview with Christian Post, she publicly admonished couples who were struggling or faced with one form of domestic abuse or the other, saying:
“I think it is very important for couples to have open communication in their relationships,” she said. “In addition to communication, you need to show respect for one another, and include prayers in your daily life.”
In addition to using the Carol Maraj Foundation to empower and uplift women from oppression, Nicki Minaj’s mother hopes to revive her gospel music career for the course. And she claims to be actively working towards releasing five full gospel albums. She also aspires to write a book based on overcoming the storms. Nicki’s mother has also expressed her desire for Nicki to pivot her music career towards the gospel community. She hopes that she would one day serve as a source of inspiration to Christian women worldwide.

Nicki Minaj Parents Never Got Divorced
As heart-wrenching as their marriage was, Nicki Minaj parents never got a legal divorce. . Nicki Minaj was confused why her mother never left her father during the period of life-threatening domestic abuse in their marriage.
It was not until almost 15 years later, during her father’s stay in rehab, that her mother left. Then, finally, she had enough time to find herself, heal from the trauma and start life afresh. Nicki Minaj’s mother also revealed that it took her almost 20 years to forgive him. Even though they never got back together.
Nicki Minaj’s Father Died After A Hit-And-Run on Long Island In 2021
Following an unfortunate hit-and-run incident on Long Island, Nicki Minaj’s father, Robert, passed away in February 2021. A man named Charles Polevich’s 1992 White Volvo hit him when he was crossing the road. Unfortunately, the driver, Charles Polevich, could care less about his safety. He only highlighted from the car briefly and asked if Robert was alright, then sped off with reckless abandon.
He didn’t even attempt calling emergency services. It was too late by the time he was taken to the hospital. His condition had become critical. And he died the following day. Nicki Minaj took to her website to express her grieve. She stated that she was still in denial and hoped he would call her soon enough, but he never did.

Nicki Minaj’s Mother filed a $150 Million lawsuit Against Charles In The Supreme Court of New York
It turns out that Nicki Minaj’s mother isn’t taking the case lightly. She has actively filed a $150 million lawsuit against Charles for being negligent and irresponsible towards her deceased husband. She fumed that he was more concerned with fleeing than seeing to the wellbeing of the victim of his reckless driving; hence he has to pay for damages.
On the other hand, Charles’s attorney, Marc C. Gann, has come out to counter Carol Maraj’s lawsuit, stating that it is outrageous and unreasonable. This is because there hasn’t been an investigation to detect if there was negligence of any form or to what degree if at all there was.
However, a grand jury has indicted Charles Polevich on various charges. Some of these charges include tampering with physical evidence and leaving the scene of an incident without reporting, in December 2021.
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May the soul of the deceased rest in peace. Also, may God grant his family the fortitude to bear this loss.