Jaiden Dittfach is the coroner of Jaiden animation sexuality. She is an award-winning American animator and YouTube content creator. Jaiden came to the limelight with unique short content. Her contents are mostly story-time videos, animations, and video games. Moreso, her contents are usually centered around abstract subjects like anxiety, depression, toxic relationships, body positivity, and mental health.

Over the years, some fans have questioned her sexuality. Some even ascribe her to being bisexual or pansexual. But Jaiden ignored them all. Then Jaiden animation sexuality became an addition to her content variety In March 2022 after one of her videos went viral. It was quite an insightful video where Jaiden animation sexuality was extensively discussed.
While fans are grateful that the mystery about Jaiden animation sexuality has been debunked. They are also concerned as to whether she would put out more content pertaining to her sexuality moving forward. In this article, the truth about Jaiden animation sexuality and her future plans will be brilliantly explored so kindly read till the end.
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Jaiden Animation Sexuality: She Is Neither Bisexual Nor Pansexual
For the longest time, Jaiden had a hard time defining her sexuality. While she suspected she was bisexual or pansexual, she never felt convinced about it. It was not until she discovered that she is AroAce that she found solace and became sexually confident in herself. AroAce sexuality is simply a combination of Aromantic and Asexual sexualities respectively.
Furthermore, as opposed to being bisexual or Pansexual, an Aromantic person is one with no desire for romantic relationships. Meanwhile, an asexual describes a person with no desire for sexual intimacy. For Jaiden who doesn’t see or feel the need to be sexually or romantically involved with anyone. She is simply an Aroce.

How Jaiden Deals With Being Is An AroAce
It is not easy being confused about something that is supposed to be as clear as glass. Haven discovered that she was neither Bi nor Pansexual, Jaiden accepted that she was an AroAce and oftentimes, is put in the awkward position of over-explaining herself. Hence she took to her youtube video to redeem fans from their deep mystery about her sexuality. She posted a video titled Being Not Straight in March 2022.
In the video, she talked about confusing friendships with romantic and sexual relations for the longest time. According to Jaiden, she never felt any form of romance or craved for it. She loathes love songs because they do nothing but disgust her as opposed to getting her emotional. She had to come to terms with the fact that she was different from everyone around her because she never felt any strong emotions.
Jaiden even wowed her audience with the revelation that she has never found anyone attractive or physically aesthetically pleasing enough to want to date them or declare likeness for them. According to her, being an AroAce has been a pleasantly long journey in itself for her. She said:
“It has been a very long journey discovering this about myself. I even used to think I was bi or pan for the longest time. I would think to myself, ‘bi is being interested in both genders, I don’t really care for either but zero is equal to zero, so I guess I’m bi or pan.”

Jaiden Never Told Anyone About Her sexuality, She Had To Fake A Crush In Fifth Grade To Fit In
For most teenagers, puberty is when and where you explore all the lengths of your sexuality. But the reverse was the case for Jaiden at the time. While her friends were getting crushes as early as fifth grade, she felt absolutely nothing. If anything at all, she felt left behind and far behind schedule.
At the time, it was a really big burden for her to carry all by herself but she did anyway. She didn’t tell anyone about her romantic whores, instead, she improvised and picked out a crush for herself in her fifth-grade class. His name was Pikachu and she never told anyone about him. It was all in her head to make her feel better and less pressured.
Jaiden Says She Can Still Feel Love Despite Being AroAce
The knowledge and proper understanding of her sexuality have empowered her a great deal. She also hopes that people who see her video and are on the same spectrum as herself would be more confident and not feel any less of themselves. According to her, having a proper understanding of who you are only make you stronger and more loving. It doesn’t eliminate love as an emotion of makes you incapable of loving. She claims she feels love and loved only in a platonic capacity but not just in a romantic way.
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Jaiden animation sexuality is a whole new discovery for a lot of people who are yet to discover themselves. While some may see it as a curse, Jaiden sees it as a blessing to an extent. She said:
“Coming from my biased perspective I think AroAce is one of the coolest, if not the coolest, and most confident orientations out there not needing even a gram of intimate validation from anyone is so cool.”